DSUMO for Sites - Integration

Integrating DSUMO with Your Website

Integrating DSUMO with your website is easy. Add the following code to any pages on which you want your visitors to process microcompute operations (MOs):

  1. <script type="text/javascript" src="http://kisolabs.net.kisocdnb.net/dsumo/js/dsumo-engine.js"></script>
  2. <script type="text/javascript">
  3. DSUMO.dsumoEngine.register('[Your GUID]', '[Unique Visitor Id]');
  4. </script>

Line 1: Loads the DSUMO Engine. This is the code that interfaces with the DSUMO servers to get microcompute operations (MOs) for your users to process. It also provides the DSUMO Framework which contains both the context in which MOs run, the throttling mechanism which prevents the MOs from using too much of the client's system resources, and DSUMO helper functions that MOs can utilize.

The DSUMO engine code is hosted by KisoLabs CDN service to ensure high availability and rapid fetch times that will not slow your users' experience of your site.

Line 3: Starts the DSUMO Engine. All DSUMO functions are implemented under the veritable namespace DSUMO, and the dsumoEngine object is instantiated in the script that is loaded on line 1.

The register function takes two arguments, the second of which is optional:

register('[Your GUID]', '[Unique Visitor Id]');

For optimal performance of your site, follow these tips: